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Schanker's Photo Scrapbook

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Trip to Europe (circa 1930,) to Study Art in Spain, France and Italy.  He was a student at the Academie de la Grande Chaumiere in Paris and studied mural painting in Italy. Fellow passenger  Charles Logasa was also a modern artist.

schanker sugarloaf house

During the 1940's Schanker's first studio outside of New York City was in the upstate artists colony near Sugarloaf Mountain

schanker sugarloaf studio

Schanker Sag Harbor House

Schanker purchased an 100 year old farm house on Madison Street in Sag Harbor around 1949 when he and other artists established a colony in the Hamptons.  Schanker loved working, sailing, and fishing on the East End.  He frequently car topped his kayak to sail and fish off  Long Beach in Sag Harbor.

Schanker, Long Beach, Sag Harbor

Schanker East Hampton  Dune House

Relaxing at "Dune House" (c 1970.)  In 1959 Lou married the blues singer, Libby Holman. They summered in their East Hampton home until his death in 1981.  One of Lou's bronze sculptures can be seen at the entrance contrasted against the Atlantic ocean in the background. Guests stayed at the farmhouse in Sag Harbor where Schanker still maintained a studio until 1975 when he sold it.  

Schanker East Hampton Dune House

During the years in the Hamptons, Lou and Libby participated in the life of both the art 
and theatrical communities.  Several parties and fundraisers were held at their home each summer. 


Dune House East Hampton Star, 67

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 schanker wallach, Holman, Jackson

Holman, Schanker, Hamptons

Herman Cherry, artist and poet, relaxes at Dune House, probably after one of their frequent tennis matches.  Many of Schanker's artist friends such as Ilya Bolotowsky, Mark Rothko, Adolph Gottlieb and
Willem de Kooning also summered in the Hamptons.

Celebrities Backstage at John Drew Theater,
Guild Hall in East Hampton 
(l. to r.) Vincent Donohue, Anne Jackson, 
Libby Holman, Eli Wallach and Louis Schanker


Among other venues, 
Libby gave concerts at the John Drew Theater, 92nd Street Y in Manhattan and Washington University  in Washington D.C.  during the 60's 


Coretta King, Schanker, East Hampton

Coretta King, Schanker, Holman

Louis Schanker, Libby Holman and Coretta King 
greeting guests to a Dune House fundraising event.

Coretta and Lou on the East Hampton beach
below Dune House 

Libby and Coretta join in the
 celebration of Lou's birthday

schanker, suzuki, East Hampton Dune House

Shunryu Suzuki Roshi and others from the Zen center of San Franciso 
relax on the deck overlooking the Atlantic at Dune House in East Hampton 
sometime in the late 1960's.  Libby and Lou had developed  an interest 
in Zen meditation, 
traveling to Japan in the early 1960's. 

Cover of Hamptons Bohemia, 2002, by Helen A. Harrison and 
Constance Ayers Denne picturing Lou Schanker and other 
Hamptons artists on the beach below his home in East Hampton. 
 The 1962 photo by Hans Namuth includes l. to r. standing: Al Held, Buffie Johnson,
 Lester Johnson, Howard Kanovitz, Michael Goldberg, Syd Solomon.
 Seated: Lee Krasner, Balcomb Greene, Sylvia Stone, John Little, 
Elenor Hempstead, David Porter, Rae Ferren, James Brooks, 
Arline Wingate, Tania, Louis Schanker.

Hamptons Bohemia, Schanker


schanker bard

Schanker taught at the American Artists School, The Educational Alliance and the New School for Social Research.  He retired after 15 years as a full professor in the art department at Bard College

schanker bard

Kollek, Schanker, Jerusalem

Louis Schanker and Teddy Kollek, long time Mayor of Jerusalem, during  1977 tour of the Israel Museum

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For the last 20 years of his life Schanker divided his work between a town house on 121 E 61st in Manhattan and his studios in Connecticut and at Dune House in East Hampton.  The Stamford Studio was built on a hill overlooking the main house on the grounds of Treetops, (shown in the picture on the left,) the estate which Libby Holman had built in 1938.  At this expansive estate she hosted many notables of the theatrical community including  Paul and Jane Bowles, Montgomery Clift,  Roddy McDowell,  Ethel Merman, Frank Sinatra,   Eli Wallach, Alec Wilder and Tennessee Williams.   She was an ardent suppporter of George McGovern and a major supporter of Martin Luther King and the civil rights and antiwar movements.   Each Spring she hosted an open house for the public to view thousands of her beloved daffodils planted on the estate.
Right - Invitation, Libby amid the daffodils in the 1960's.
Left -
Lou and Libby Circa 1965.  Behind them are family photos. Libby is wearing a Schanker sculpture.

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Schanker studio, stamford, treetops

.  Here Schanker is pictured with other local artists who met periodically at each others studios. Schanker's studio is now the home of  the Treetops Chamber Music Society.

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Schanker, Stamford, Treetops

Schanker printing treetops

Schanker sculpture Treetops

Schanker preparing for an exhibition
 of his works in the 1960's
Schanker printing his own woodblocks 
at the studio in the 1970's
 Artist Peter Grippi sculpting a bust of Schanker in the Treetops studio. (Photo (c) Dorothy Levitt Beskind, courtesy of the Dorothy Levitt Beskind Film and Photographic Archive.)


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Schanker on the rear deck of the 61st Manhattan
 townhouse at the age of 74 (1977)

Lou Siegel, the webmaster for this webpage, is the nephew of Louis Schanker. 

Although I have not inherited Schanker's artistic skills he did ignite a love of nature and the environment during the many hours we shared fishing and walking the beaches from Sea Gate in Brooklyn to Montauk Point. While he worked in the art studio, I am an educator more at home in the science lab and the field.   I hope that this webpage proves both enjoyable and educational.  We have tried to give a taste of Schanker's life, works and the era in which he lived through our experiences, his personal papers (Archives of American Art, Smithsonian, Washington D.C.,) photos, clippings and images of artwork. 


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Here he treats me to my first trip on a sailing kayak at Long Beach in Sag Harbor in 1950.In 1971 I took him out on my own boat from 
the same beach in Sag Harbor, Long Island.
In 2008 I spoke to a group at a
 showing of Schanker's works in 
the remodeled Treetops Studio
 in Stamford Connecticut.
*WPA images*prints*oils*sculpture*pastels*

The Studio*exhibitions*museums*references*
*Smithsonian interview
 * current showings *