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                          Louis Schanker

                                                  Louis Schanker is one of those blessed craftsmen 
                                                   who can lose  himself in his materials as in a vice.
                                                                                                        Harold Rosenberg
                                                                                                                   author, critic


                                                      wood, c1936, 18in            

wood, c1936, 18in

wood, c1936, 20in


                                                                         wood, 1937,31/5 x 8 x 8in, 
                                                                        Smithsonian Museum of Art


wood, c1940, 38in

Revolving Figure
wood, c1940, 38in

                                       Black Birch, 
                                   wood, 1963, 28in


                              Variation on a Theme, 
                             wood,1966, 9ft 7in x 13.5in x 5in



Cleopatra's Needle
 wood, 1963, 63in


Four Balls, 
Wood, 1966,  32 X 5.5in, on post




Oval With 3 Balls
 bronze, c1966,  26.5 by 18.25in




#22, bronze, 1966, 24in

 #23, bronze,1966, 15.25in




                                                                             Black and White
                                                                    wood, 1964, 25 x 12 x 11in,
                                                                    Smithsonian Museum of Art



       Dorsky Gallery, New York, 1966 Show  


*WPA images*prints*oils*sculpture*pastels*

The Studio*exhibitions*museums*references*
*Smithsonian interview
current showings