The Studio at Treetops

 In his early years Louis Schanker had a studio at 120 State Street in Brooklyn.  In the 1950's he bought
 a hundred year old farmhouse on Madison Street in Sag Harbor in the "Hamptons" on eastern Long
 Island.   When he married the torch singer Libby Holman in 1959 he set up a second studio at their
 home, "Dune House," on Further Lane in East Hampton.  A third studio was built at "Treetops" the 110
 acre estate in Stamford Connecticut.  The studio at Treetops was the primary site of his work for the last
 20 years of his life.  


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 Treetops Studio, Stamford Connecticut
click on pictures to enlarge

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In October of 2006 the Treetops Studio of Louis Schanker began a new life as the venue for the Treetops
 Chamber Music Society (CMS) under the direction of Oskar Espina-Ruiz.  CMS offers a variety 
of concerts each season.    A unique program combines nature and science for children with the cooperation of  the SoundWaters environmental group.
Treetops Chamber Music Society has recently outgrown the studio and moved to a larger venue.

This is especially appropriate as Schanker loved music and nature,  both of which are reflected in his artwork.     Music was one of the major themes of the WPA murals which he competed for WNYC and the Neponsit Children's Hospital in New York.


In September of 2008 Louis Schanker's
artwork was returned to the studio as the 
exhibit, "Lyrical Abstraction"

*WPA images*prints*oils*sculpture*pastels*

The Studio*exhibitions*museums*references*
*Smithsonian interview
current showings